Law School Application Toolkit
Want all the advice of admissions consulting, but without the high price?
Our clients have been accepted to the nation’s top law schools with incredible scholarship offers—including 100% of them receiving full-tuition scholarships to T-100 schools.
We’re giving you access to the same strategies that helped them succeed—all for just $35.
Inside the Toolkit, You’ll Get:
✅ A Proven Application Checklist – Never miss a crucial step.
✅ A Step-by-Step Timeline – Know exactly what to do and when.
✅ Winning Essay Templates – Customizable personal statement, diversity statement, and optional essay outlines to craft compelling, standout applications.
✅ A Fee Waiver Request Template – Save money on application fees.
✅ The Resume Template That Got Our Founder into Harvard Law – Model your resume after one that worked at the highest level.
For less than the cost of submitting one law school application, you’ll get the tools to maximize your law school acceptances and scholarships.​