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Asynchronous Essay Review

Our Admissions Consulting results speak for themselves: our clients get fantastic admissions offers to top law schools nationwide, and 100% have received full-tuition scholarships to T-100 law schools. 


However, we realize that not everyone can afford a full admissions consulting package. To address the need for more cost-effective options, we offer asynchronous review and feedback for law school essays and application components.


It's common knowledge that you shouldn't apply without getting at least one more set of eyes on your materials. With our service, you can be confident that the review and feedback you receive comes from expert admissions consultants who are successful applicants themselves. 

Best Value




2 rounds of feedback for ONE law school admissions essay

Free Law School Application Toolkit ($50 value)

2 rounds of review and revisions for ONE essay

Inline comments and suggested edits

Two 1-page summaries highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Price can be credited to an admissions consulting package




2 rounds of feedback for TWO law school admissions essays

Free Law School Application Toolkit ($50 value)

2 rounds of review and revisions for TWO essays

Inline comments and suggested edits

1 page summary highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Price can be credited to an admissions consulting package




2 rounds of feedback for THREE law school admissions essays

Free Law School Application Toolkit ($50 value)

2 rounds of review and revisions for THREE essays

Inline comments and suggested edits for each submission

Two 1-page summaries highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Price can be credited to an admissions consulting package




Unlimited rounds of feedback for ALL law school admissions essays and applications prior to submission

Free law school application toolkit ($50 value)

Unlimited rounds of review and revisions for ALL essays

Inline comments and suggested edits for each submission

1-page summaries highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Review of ALL applications prior to submission

Payment plans available

Price can be credited to an admissions consulting package

Asynchronous Application Review Packages

Find one that suits your situation

Best Value

Most Popular

Not ready for a full essay review package? Start with our $35  Law School Application Toolkit! 

 Toolkit Includes: 

  • Comprehensive Application Checklist

  • Easy-to-follow timeline

  • Customizable personal statement, diversity statement, and optional essay outlines

  • Fee waiver request template

  • The resume template that got me into Harvard Law School

Thanks for your order! If you do not receive the toolkit right away, please check your spam & add us to your safe sender list. Still don't have it? Click here. 


Rekha, Columbia Law School

"JurisPrep's impact on my journey extends far beyond LSAT preparation. My coach seamlessly transitioned from being a consultant to a trusted friend who took the time to truly understand me. This personal connection became a game-changer as he guided me through crafting an application that not only showcased my diverse skill set but also presented a unified and authentic representation of who I am. His attention to me as an individual, understanding what I care about, made the entire process feel tailor-made." 
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